Message From the School Principal

Dear Parents and Students,
The "light" of education, which first burned in Thessaloniki 139 years ago, has grown and continues to shine, getting stronger every day. With our deep-rooted past and our understanding based on quality in education, we continue to work resolutely with our strong academic staff to raise generations at FMV Ispartakule Işık Primary and Secondary School, who are devoted to Atatürk's principles and reforms and shed light on the future, within the framework of our mission and vision.
As Işık Schools, our first and most important guiding principle is to “raise good citizens.” Our school, which takes firm steps towards raising generations that will carry the torch of “light” to the future by making a difference in education with its deep-rooted history, offers students a contemporary and democratic environment where individual differences are taken into account. Every student in this school, which has been built with respect and love, develops and changes towards becoming a good person.
Students in our school are raised as global citizens who have a mindset towards finding solutions, know scientific research methods, are interested in arts and sports, sensitive to world events and their environment, productive, develop a sense of responsibility, use technology with the awareness of digital citizenship, know the principles of academic honesty and try to form their personality with strong values. In this sense, the academic and behavioral status of the student is constantly monitored. In addition, an enriched academic program according to national and international standards is implemented under the guidance of experienced teachers who are professionally equipped to ensure the academic and social development of students. Within the framework of this program, a student-centered learning environment is created that supports students to reveal and maximize their learning power, taking into account the individual differences of students.
In lessons, content that will enable students to reach the analysis, creation and evaluation stages of learning, respond to their needs, develop their creativity and provide them with vital skills, and teaching programs that will allow the learning to be permanent are used. Studies are carried out so that students can produce solutions to complex problems based on what they have learned, transform existing knowledge, develop different perspectives, and increase their awareness.
In primary school, the enriched national curriculum is structured in relation to other disciplines and daily life skills by associating with the transdisciplinary themes of the IB PYP. In mathematics lessons, studies are carried out within the scope of Montessori applications. It focuses on the development of students as individuals who research and question, both in the classroom and in the outside world. In the primary school, where the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IB PYP) designed for students aged 3 - 12 was launched as a candidate school in September 2018, the authorization process was successfully completed; Starting from January 2021, Ispartakule Işık Primary School has been authorized as "IB PYP World School".
High quality education in secondary school continues with interdisciplinary national and international projects and competitions, interdisciplinary studies, the national curriculum which is equipped with in-class and extracurricular activities, a qualified curriculum enriched with understanding-based instructional designs.
In-class and extra-curricular activities are differentiated in line with the individual needs and interests of the students. Students' academic success is increased by carrying out preparatory studies for the High School Entrance System (LGS). LGS preparation studies for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students include weekend academic support program and after-school study hours on weekdays. The studies are differentiated as individual studies and group studies.
The Kindergarten to High School Student Monitoring System (ALIS) is a system that individually observes and documents the academic, social and emotional development of students. With the "Academic Counseling System" implemented in secondary school, the progress of the students in all academic branches is followed regularly by the branch counselors in 5th and 6th grades. Parents and students are given feedback to contribute to their individual development. In 7th and 8th grades, designated advisor teachers take a guiding role in fields such as effective and efficient study techniques and goal setting. In 8th grade, the "Academic Coaching System" based on student volunteering is also applied.
The foreign language program in our school has a structure that aims for students to express themselves accurately, fluently and freely in listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. The English program we apply in the 5th grade of secondary school is an intensive one-year foreign language program that prepares students for the next level.
A regular, sustainable assessment and evaluation system ensures that students' individual developments are monitored throughout the process. Process-oriented assessment and evaluation methods and techniques are mainly used. Student progress is documented through observation and written comments, and students are given regular feedback.
Throughout the primary and secondary education period, the development of our students is monitored by the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Service along with student’s emotional, social and academic development processes within a holistic approach.
In the light of Atatürk's principles and reforms, our main goal is to train individuals who are competent in their mother tongue, have high-level scientific thinking skills, have advanced communication skills, can develop cooperation with different cultures, display ethical and responsible digital citizen behaviors, and have strong academic qualifications and prepare them for higher education and training.
May our path always be full of “light”.
Kind regards,
Damla Gül SAPMAZ
FMV Işık Ispartakule Primary and Secondary School Principal