The Kindergarten

Students are admitted via an interview process which aims to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each child. There are three age levels, beginning with children who are 36 months old. At the Ayazağa Kindergarten, an optional mixed age Montessori class is also offered.
The Turkish Ministry curriculum is enriched with many other educational programs like GEMS (Great Explorations in Math and Science), Orff (Music and Movement), SCAMPER creativity program, English, arts and crafts, drama, music and physical education. Some elective activities are also offered
Children are taken on field trips to museums, the theatre and the cinema and on various outings to enhance life skills.
In general, project-based lessons and activities dominate the curriculum, with an emphasis on developing an interest in learning, sharing, creating, taking responsibility, and expressing thoughts and feelings. The development and growth of each child is carefully observed and monitored by all teachers and counselors and feedback given periodically to parents.