The High School

High school starts with an intensive 20 hour-a -week year of English Prep for students whose English level is below B1 according to CEFR. Those who are successful in Prep move onto grades 9-12, along with those who enter high school with English B1 and above. I n high school the academic program is bilingual and bicultural. English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Natural and Physical Sciences are also taught in English. In High school students continue their studies with a view to acquiring a place at top Turkish Universities. Some students opt to study abroad and to facilitate their growing interest in doing so, a college counselling Office was established in 2011.
English continues to be one of the strong points of the school. Literature, essay writing, preparation for TOEFL IBT are highlights of the program. The aim of the English program is to educate students in critical thinking and analysis, encourage in-depth discussion, and foster familiarity with some global issues through carefully selected works of literature. The program also enables students to pass the English prep year in English medium universities they will attend.
Model United Nations, English Youth Parliament, ESU Debate, Public Speaking, Destination Imagination, TEDx are some of the important extra-curricular activities that support the English Program.
German, French or Spanish is taught as a second foreign language and students take either Goethe Zertifikat A2, DELF or DELE exams to certify their proficiency in these languages. In grades 11-12 students prepare intensively for the university entrance exam, and the School provides many opportunities to students who need academic support in different subjects, like extra hours, study groups, individual tutoring, mock exams and periodic assessments with formative feedback. In general, 95-100 % of graduates are placed in national or overseas universities.